Sabtu, 17 April 2010

The Keys can be classified as given below:

1. Alphabetic Keys:
All the letters or alphabets from A-Z or a-z are the alphabetic keys. Alphabetic keys are used to type words, sentences, paragraphs etc.
Example: Q E R T Y U I O P

2. Numeric Keys:
Numeric Keys are those, on which numbers are printed. Numeric Keys are used to type the numeric information like age, phone number, postal code etc.
Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

3. Cursor Movement Keys:
Cursor is a flashing point on the screen that indicates the location, where the next character will appear. Cursor movement keys help the cursor to be moved to the position where you want to type the information.
a. Up arrow (↑): moves the cursor one line up.
b. Down arrow (↓): moves the cursor one line down.
c. Right arrow (→): moves the cursor towards the right.
d. Left arrow (←): moves the cursor towards the left.

4. Symbolic Keys:
Symbolic keys are used to give symbolic information to the computer and carry out different functions. Symbolic keys appear above the numbers 0, 1, 2 …………The Shift key is used to type them.
Example: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )

5. Special keys:
Three are different special keys present on the keyboard. Each of them have their own special function.

i. Control keys: Ctrl
Control keys used along with some other keys to carry out different functions according to different software used. E.g. Ctrl + X will cut the selected text in MS-Word

ii. Alternate key: Alt
The Alt key is also used along with some other keys to carry out different functions. E.g. if you just press the Alt key, menu will be activated in any menu based program.

iii. Delete key: Del
Delete key is used to delete one character right to the cursor position. E.g. if the cursor is in between the alphabet P and O of the word POT, pressing the delete key will erase the alphabet O

iv. Back space key: ← Backspace
The Back space key removes one character to the left of the cursor position. E.g. if the cursor is between the alphabet P and O of the word POT, pressing the backspace key will erase the alphabetic P

v. Enter key: Enter
When the enter key is pressed, the information typed is sent to the computer’s memory for processing. It also indicates the end of the program.
Ctrl + Alt + Del
These three keys are pressed together to restart the computer.

vi. Shift key: Shift
The Shift key is used along with the other alphabetic keys to produce capital letters (when caps lock is off). It is also used to produce the special keys (upper character of the key).E.g.
Shift + m = M
Shift + 6 = ^

vii. Num lock key: Num Lock
If the Num lock is OFF, the numeric keys on the numeric keypad (present on the right hand side of the keyboard) is used for cursor movement. But if it is ON, it is used to type the numbers of the numeric keypad. Num lock can be toggled i.e. it can be made ON or OFF by pressing it alternatively.

viii. Caps lock key: Caps Lock
This is also a toggle key. That is, the caps lock key when turned ON (light can be seen when ON) types the letter in capital letters. When it is OFF, letters are typed in small letters.

ix. Insert key: Insert
Insert is used to type a character in between the characters they are already typed. When it is OFF (insert OFF), the text matter on the right hand side will automatically Shift towards the right and adjust the new character typed.

Home key moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.

End key moves the cursor to the end of the line.

The Escape key is used to cancel the command.

Page up
Page up key moves one page up i.e. moves the current page upward and the lower page appears on the screen.

Page down
Page down key moves the current page down by one page and thus the upper page appears on the screen.

Print screen
Print key prints the text appearing on the screen.

The scrolling of the screen is paused, when this key is pressed.

Tab key helps the cursor jump at a definite position in the line.

6. Functional keys:
They are used to issue or give common commands. They lie at the top row of the keyboard.
Example: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12

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